The Engineering Enterprise has been involved in the design of electrical systems for healthcare facilities since 1974. Due to our ongoing involvement in these state-of-the-art facilities, TEE focuses on providing our clients with innovative medical system designs. TEE has designed and engineered over 75 major medical projects consisting of hospitals, clinics and medical office buildings totaling 20 million square feet and laboratory projects totaling over 500,000 square feet. We have also provided services for numerous smaller healthcare projects including clinics and medical office buildings. Based upon our past design experience of these specialized facilities, we are keenly aware of the complexity of the electrical, control and monitoring systems for projects of this nature and are able to provide designs which meet the rigorous requirements set forth by OSHPD/HCAI.
Our staff has firsthand knowledge of hospital systems including Nurse Call, Fire Alarm, Paging, Radio Paging, Intercom, Central Dictation, CCTV and Equipotential Grounding, as well as familiarity with Department of Veterans Affairs and California OSHPD/HCAI Requirements, including seismic bracing. We have designed numerous surgical, radiology, emergency, pediatric, and intensive care suites and have familiarity with the special requirements of RF and electromagnetically shielded construction necessary for MRI Imaging.
We have engineered medium voltage campus power distribution systems, large central plants, and emergency power systems.
Our design services for major building electrical systems upgrades have included the coordination required to keep an occupied building operational during the system upgrades. We appreciate the level of coordination required with the user groups to ensure that their systems needs are satisfied and understand the importance of interfacing with other members of the design team throughout the design and construction process.